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What is a burnout and 5 ways to deal with it

There are some techniques you can try to deal with burnout. They are based on psychology and aim to enhance your positive emotions.

Author: Sylvia Marinova, PhD student in the Genomic Stability Laboratory at BAS

Perhaps one of the most discussed conditions affecting the modern man is the so-called "burnout". And that's exactly what it means - physical, mental and emotional exhaustion to the limit caused by too much stress in the workplace. Let's look at what bernaut is due to, whether it is defined as a disease, what science thinks of it, and most importantly - how to recognize its signs and how to deal with it if it happens to you.

What's a burnout? Is it a disease?

Since the middle of last year, burnout has been included by the World Health Organization (WHO) in their International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a "professional phenomenon" [ref. 1].  Although it is defined as a syndrome, it is specifically emphasised that burnout is not a disease and is included in the column with factors that affect our health or need to come into contact with a medical practitioner. It is also stressed that this condition is achieved as a result of excessive stress in the workplace and should not be used for other aspects of life.

The burnout is characterized by three main parameters:

  1. Feeling short of energy or exhaustion;
  2. Feeling of negativity or cynicism associated with work;
  3. Reduced professional productivity.

Does burnout lead to depression and anxiety?

The experiences caused by the bernaut, Since some of its characteristics, such as frequent loss of concentration and interest, are common to those of depression, there is a debate among researchers in this area to what extent it is justified to expect overlap between thetwo.

The link between burnout and depression

However, burnout is associated only with the workplace, while depression can occur as a result of events from other walks of life. the researchers concluded that, despite the link between them, there was still insufficient evidence to show that it was different manifestations of the same condition.

The link between burnout and anxiety

As for the relationship of burnout to anxiety, a correlation between the two is again found.

What are the symptoms of burnout and how to recognize them
  • Do you feel difficult to concentrate?
  • Are you more annoyed with your colleagues?
  • Do you have a change in sleep habits?
  • Maybe your usual work productivity is reduced?
  • Do you use alcohol or other medications to reduce stress from work?
  • Do you suffer from unexplained headaches or stomach problems?
  • Don't feel satisfied with your achievements?

If positive answers to these questions prevail, then you may experience "burnout". In this situation, consultation with a medical practitioner is the most desirable approach, since as we have mentioned above, it is possible that this symptomatology is also a sign of other conditions such as depression.

How to deal with burnout

We come to the most important question. Namely: how to deal with this condition? As with any other thing related to our perceptions, and here the way we will get the best result is individual. However, there are some techniques that we can try. Generally speaking, they are based on psychology and aim to enhance our positive emotions,reduce stress and help us build more positive perception and acceptance.

Here are five tips on how to deal with burnout:

1. Finding the cause of stress

The factors in the working environment that can cause us stress are many. Whether it's in unhealthy collegiate relationships or trying to do the job for others by spending countless hours in the office, it's very important to identify exactly what makes us feel dissatisfied and less motivated. If we know the exact cause, it will be much easier to approach it in the right way to eliminate it.

2. "Help from a friend"

Turning to our loved ones is the most natural thing. Most of them would love that we vote for them enough to share our problems with them.

3. Reassessment of your personal priorities

Being effective at work does not always mean spending more time there. On the contrary, taking time for family or our favorite unloading activities is a necessary part of our recovery and coping with stress.

4. Good and quality sleep

Chronic stress leads to sleep disorders, but sleep disorders also lead to chronic stress.

5. More physical activity

In general, physical activity increases overall conditioning, feelings of satisfaction and the ability toconcentrate.

  1. What's a burnout? Is it a disease?
    • The burnout is characterized by three main parameters:

  2. Does burnout lead to depression and anxiety?
    • The link between burnout and depression
    • The link between burnout and anxiety

  3. What are the symptoms of burnout and how to recognize them

    • How to deal with burnout
      • Here are five tips on how to deal with burnout:
      • Finding the cause of stress
      • "Help from a friend"
      • Reassessment of your personal priorities
      • Good and quality sleep
      • More physical activity


    1. The Bernaut as a professional phenomenon, WHO

    2. The Relationship Between Burnout, Depression, and Anxiety: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Frontiers in psychology, 2019

    3. How to deal with insomnia

    4. Recovery from job stress: The stressor‐detachment model as an integrative framework, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 2014

    5. Efficacy of Exercise Therapy in Persons with Burnout. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Journal of sports science & medicine, 2018

    The author

    👩 🔬 Sylvia Marinova has a BSc in Molecular biology (Sofia University, Bulgaria), and a MSc in structural biology (Grenoble, France). She is currently a doctoral student at the Laboratory of Genomic Stability at IMB, BAS. Her research interests are in the field of DNA repair, microscopy and biophysics. She loves photography, painting and sports.


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