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Creating Healthy Workplace

In general, it is believed that work has a positive contribution to employees' mental health, but still often the atmosphere there can be so stressful as to achieve exactly the opposite effect. However, more and more employers, aware of the possible health effects on their employees, are trying to take approaches that will provide them with a healthy workplace. And yet - for many of them, this topic is taboo.

How much does an unhealthy environment cost

  Interestingly, ignoring the mental health of workers is not just written on their account and that of their families, but also on the profits of companies. Indeed, according to a study by the World Health Organization, anxiety and depression alone cost about $ 1 trillion in lost productivity of the world economy [ref. 1] . That's a pretty big sum, isn't it? And therefore a problem.

Risk factors at work

There are many factors that can contribute to an unhealthy working environment and lead to mental health problems or burnout.

Read more in What's a Burnout and 5 Ways to Deal With It

Some of these factors include:

  • poor communication between employees and managers;
  • low level of support to employees;
  • misallocation of tasks relative to staff capacity;
  • poor organisation and management;
  • lack of sufficient resources;
  • too high workload and setting tasks that are not related to the position;
  • lack of flexible working hours, etc.

In general, we can summarize that most problems in the workplace stem from poor communication and therefore lack of organization of the work process. For example, an employee may be given a task that has the capacity to complete but does not have the resources to do so.

3 ideas for employers on how to improve the working environment

Introduction of a program to track and help the mental health of employees

The introduction of a program to track the mental health of employees is an example of good work practice.

Often, companies' budgets are aimed at solving pre-existing health problems in some workers, but this is far from enough. A better strategy is to create a practice for tracking and preventing such conditions.

For example, companies could encourage employees to take part in periodic anonymous questionnaires to help them assess the general condition of their team.

It is also good practice to encourage discussions on mental health. This can be done by organising workshops. Another option is simply to allow employees to talk to a specialist psychologist if they need it.

Set working limits

It is extremely important to set criteria that turn the culture of the company into a positive aspect that addresses the needs of its employees. Usually this includes simple things such as:

  • Introducing options that would allow employees to prioritize their health such as flexible working hours, working from home or paid days of mental health leave.
  • Encouraging working boundaries. For example, don't reply to emails on weekends or on vacation
  • Promoting productive breaks. A few short breaks during the day can make the working day much more pleasant, as well as stimulate teamwork and communication between employees.


Training of managers

It is important for employees to be aware that it is in company policy to take care of their mental health and who to turn to for help if they need it.

Managers can come to the rescue here.

They play a key role when it comes to identifying the problems that employees face. This is because they have constant daily contact with their team, are aware of the tasks, qualities and vulnerabilities of each employee and have the ability to make changes in the work process if necessary.

A study published in a well-known journal of psychiatry shows that the introduction of a 6-month training program to help managers deal with problems with their team members has led to an 18% reduction in hospital stays [ref. 2].

Such programs should focus on:

  • How mental health affects productivity
  • Recognizing signs of mental health problems in employees
  • Having a free conversation about these issues

  1. How much does an unhealthy environment cost
  2. Risk factors at work
  3. 3 ideas for employers on how to improve the working environment


In conclusion, we can say that a healthy work environment is of great importance and that there are a number of ways that employers can implement to improve the mental health of their employees. 


  1. Mental health in the workplace
  3. Mental health in the workplace

The author

👩 🔬Sylvia Marinova has a BSc in Molecular biology (Sofia University, Bulgaria), and a MSc in structural biology (Grenoble, France). She is currently a doctoral student at the Laboratory of Genomic Stability at IMB, BAS. Her research interests are in the field of DNA repair, microscopy and biophysics. She loves photography, painting and sports.

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