Health topic
Essential oils are extracted and distilled oils from various beneficial plants. These oils contain the chemical compounds that characterize and maintain the life cycle of the plant. As a form of alternative medicine, essential oils are usually used in aromatherapy - a holistic type of treatment practiced for a thousand years.
Vitamin A (also retinol or retinoic acid) is a nutrient that is extremely important for the vision, growth, cell division, reproduction and immunity of the human body. Spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes and red peppers are just some of its food sources, and the benefits of the vitamin are amzing. Stay with us to find out what vitamin A contribution is to the health of other organs and systems, how it is digested and used by our bodies.
Cauliflower is an extremely healthy vegetable, which is a great source of nutrients. It provides unique plant compounds that can reduce the risk of several diseases, including heart disease and cancer. It is also suitable for weight loss and can be prepared in countless ways. We have recipe ideas, but before that we will introduce you to the benefits of this beautiful vegetable.
Asparagus, officially known by the Latin name Asparagus officinalis, is a member of the Liliaceae family. This popular vegetable can be found in a variety of colors, including green, white and purple. It is used in dishes around the world, including frittata, pasta and french fries.
Purslane is best known as a weed in different parts of the world. However, purslane is edible and has a good nutritional profile. This plant is loaded with all sorts of nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins. How you can consume it and what useful substances it contains is very important information that you can obtain from this article.
Melissa officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant of the flower family Lamiales cultivated in different parts of the world. Lemon Balm leaves, Melissa officinalis L (Lamiaceae), are used in Iranian folk medicine and are known for their digestive, antispasmodic, sedative, analgesic, and diuretic properties, as well as are applicable to functional gastrointestinal disorders. Lemon balm can also help to relieve the stress and anxiety that accompanies our modern life.
Levisticum officinale, or Lovage, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the parsley family (Apiaceae) originating in southern Europe. It is cultivated for its stems and leaves, which are used for herbal tea, such as vegetable and for flavoring foods, especially meat. Its rhizomes (underground stems) are used as a carminative agent, and its seeds - as a flavoring agent in sweet foods and liqueurs. Extremely diverse and interesting are the areas of action of Lovage, for which we prepared two articles and now you can read the second one.
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that plays a role in maintaining the immune system, skin health and blood vessel function. It is an antioxidant and an important vitamin for skin health that can be obtained from both plant and animal sources.
Rose geranium oil is extracted from the leaves and stem of the pink geranium plant, and can be used for various purposes - it has antimicrobial, anti-aging and anti-stress action, softening and soothing effect on the skin and a few other interesting properties that we will explore today. You will also get guidance on how to use it topically on the skin along with base oil.
Who hasn't tried to lose weight some time in their lives? One of the all-time favorite topics in the world of health, weight loss is often approached in a wrong manner. For example, increased physical activity can not replace the extra 300 calories from your favorite dessert, and hours of cardio do not work wonders. First of all, it's always food - ask health experts, athletes and their coaches. And in terms of weight loss, the most important criteria to be met is a calorie deficiency. Here, however, we will not talk about it, but about herbs for weight loss and detoxification, which can help reduce your measurements naturally.