Health topic
In this article you will find recipes from Russian folk medicine for dealing with hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, psoriasis and hyperhidrosis.
Known since antiquity, danewort has become an indispensable part of the folk medicine of many countries, including Bulgaria. The herb is applied to numerous diseases, but with its use care should be taken, as it can lead to poisoning.
Chamomile is an herb known and used since ancient times. It has a variety of healing properties and its presence in the home first aid kit is mandatory. Find out why!
In this article you will find information about the most important things you need to know about stroke - types, symptoms, what to do if stroke happens, as well as innovative ways of rehabilitation and recovery even years after a stroke.
Biting insects carry diseases - find out what they are and how to recognize what kind of insect bit you.
Snake venom is known as a method of treatment from antiquity, but only today science manages to unravel some of its secrets. In this article you will learn what snake venom contains, in which medications it is found and how it is used, as well as if it has any application in the treatment of cancer.
In this article you will find out why nail fungus should not be underestimated, but treated, what are the ways to protect yourself from infection, and what you can try at home to cope with milder forms of the infection.
What are the most famous natural sweeteners, what they are and from which plants are extracted. The answers to these questions can be found in the following article.
In this article, you will learn what health benefits spirulina consumption brings according to science, as well as tips for growing it at home.
Smoketree is a well-known gift from nature, which is distinguished by its powerful antibacterial and antioxidant properties.