Health topic
Genetic diseases are due in part or entirely to changes in DNA that may affect one or more genes. Generally speaking, they are caused by mutations in one gene, mutations in more than one gene, changes in the structure or number of chromosomes, a combination of genetic factors and environmental factors.
The most characteristic symptoms of menopause or menopausal syndrome are vasomotor: hot flushes and night sweats, as well as psychosomatic symptoms.
Sitting most of the day is not harmless to your health. It puts you at many risks, and you need to shorten the time in this posture.
Panic attacks are a symptom of panic disorder. They are characterized by sudden appearance and unpleasant physiological symptoms. With the right approach, they can be gotten over.
Even if you think that they are not a big deal, that everyone has them, that they are something normal and harmless, which you should not be afraid of, in fact hemorrhoids lower your quality of life. Even if you don't have much trouble with them now, the condition could worsen if you don't pay attention to it in time.
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease that involves complex interactions between skin structures. There are several forms, the most common being plaque psoriasis.
In this article, we will emphasize the specifics and activity of blood vessels. Only so we can explain the causes and ways of prevention of varicose veins.
Women with polycystic ovaries have hormonal imbalances and metabolic problems that can affect their health. The condition is common in women of childbearing potential and may include symptoms such as irregular menstruation, acne, thinning hair and weight gain.
Tension during bowel movements and subsequent hemorrhoids with rectal bleeding are the most common symptoms, and it is quite normal to ask yourself - are they dangerous, whether and when to call a doctor.
There are promising studies about wild basil (Clinopodium vulgare) - it is a herb with the potential of treating diseases from calluses and eczema to cancer.