Why is testosterone important for health?
Testosterone is the main sex hormone and anabolic steroid in men. In humans, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues, such as the testicles and prostate, as well as in promoting secondary sexual characteristics, such as increased muscle and bone mass and body hair. In women, testosterone also has an important role in maintaining optimal hormonal balance. 1
One of the easiest ways to stimulate natural testosterone production is by correcting the underlying vitamin and mineral deficiency. Both food and supplements, such as a once-a-day multivitamin, can provide the vital micronutrients you need to boost testosterone production and improve overall vitality, libido, strength, and body composition. But before this happens, you need to know if and when you may be deficient in testosterone. 2
Testosterone deficiency affects 10-40% of the world's population and is known to increase with age, with an exponential increase in men and women aged 45-50 years. Optimizing your micronutrient intake by eating more fruits and vegetables and supplements can help you increase natural testosterone production and correct vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In this regard, there are some that are quite more important than others in terms of testosterone production.
The most important nutritional components in favor of testosterone

Although this guide is focused on micronutrients and vitamins, we do not recommend skipping any of the groups of macroelements (proteins, carbohydrates and fats). A well-balanced diet can explain many imbalances in our bodies, even those that contribute to testosterone production, but usually in our modern dietary lifestyle this is not enough to maintain optimal levels.
Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3, in addition to the sunshine vitamin, is actually a hormonal precursor. Some scientists believe that it is a hormone itself. Now, vitamin D3 through research has shown that increasing vitamin D3 levels is associated with increased testosterone levels in men and, in a limited number of studies, in women.
Vitamin D3 is fantastic for improving overall immune health, metabolic health, and if you're under stress, you're wasting vitamin D3 at a much faster rate. So it's even more important if you've been through periods of stress, consume more vitamin D3 to restore it in the body and support testosterone production.
Several studies have shown a positive relationship between vitamin D levels and total and free testosterone levels. Most studies have found that people with low vitamin D levels are much more likely to have low testosterone levels compared to those with an adequate amount of vitamin D. Studies have also shown that low-dose vitamin D supplementation can increase free and total testosterone by up to 25%.
Vitamin A
Studies have shown a positive link between vitamin A and androgen production. Vitamin A in the body is converted into retinoic acid. In men, if there is little or no vitamin A in the body, serum testosterone levels drop. If you are deficient in vitamin A, your body cannot properly metabolize dietary fat. Healthy fats provide the trace elements needed for optimal testosterone levels. Thus, vitamin A deficiency can cause a negative impact on testosterone levels. Therefore, foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, dark leafy vegetables, salmon, cod liver oil should be part of your menu as they provide vitamin A.
Korean ginseng (Panax Ginseng)
Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have long relied on this root to enhance vitality, and Western science supports this use. Some experts believe that Panax ginseng's libido-boosting power comes from its ability to help the body adapt to stress.
Research shows that ginseng can also improve sexual performance as well as sperm count and quality, meaning it can help with infertility. Ginseng is also promising for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
In a study in which men who were clinically diagnosed with erectile dysfunction were given either 900 mg. Korean red ginseng per day, or placebo; Those who took ginseng had significantly better performance, including maintaining an erection compared to the placebo group. 3
Magnesium controls over 300 bodily functions and hundreds of enzymatic reactions. While the biological functions of magnesium are relatively broad, involving the production of nucleic acids, involvement in adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and supporting muscle contraction, magnesium's most important function is to help regulate proper bone structure by mediating and coordinating calcium concentration, improving sleep quality, and boosting bioactive free testosterone. 4
Zinc is a powerful trace element involved in maintaining the homeostatic integrity of human body functions, including immune efficiency and human metabolism. Zinc is also a cofactor for multiple enzymes, including protein structure of DNA and RNA replication and protein synthesis. Undoubtedly, zinc has many advantages and plays a positive role in the human biological process and cellular function.
In terms of testosterone, zinc is the main mineral of the endocrine system and plays a major role in testosterone production. According to several studies, zinc supplementation in normal adult men with minor zinc deficiency for six months resulted in an increase in serum testosterone. 5
Sources of zinc are beef, pork, lamb or chicken, oysters, legumes and others.
Perhaps one of the most surprising and impressive trace elements and minerals that can stimulate testosterone production is boron. Boron has a vital role in cellular metabolism and supports bone growth and maintenance, wound healing, and favorably affects the use of estrogen, testosterone and vitamin D. One of the effects of boron, which also significantly affects testosterone production, is its ability to improve magnesium absorption.
Studies have shown that supplementation with boron can double testosterone production and free serum testosterone levels. Due to the rapidly new data, more research is needed on its long-term impact. 6
Maca (Lepidium meyenii) has been shown to improve overall hormonal health by increasing libido, reducing fatigue, reducing cortisol, and increasing your efficiency and energy. We recommend taking 1500 milligrams of maca before breakfast and 1500 milligrams of maca before lunch. In studies, maca has shown a positive effect on libido, as well as an improvement in erectile dysfunction. 7
Taking a supplement containing L-arginine can help you correct your testosterone levels. Animal studies reveal that arginine may help promote healthy testosterone levels. Specifically, it can stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH), which the testicles use to produce testosterone.
Sources of L-arginine are meat, fish, whole grains, dairy products and nuts.