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How to Treat Wrinkles Naturally at home



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Wrinkles are lines or folds on the skin that appear as a result of aging. Wrinkles that appear at an early age may be the result of smoking or sun damage, but also other factors. It is possible to treat wrinkles if you want to change the way they look by using over-the-counter products, outpatient procedures, cosmetics and natural remedies, some of them for home use.

What are wrinkles?

Wrinkles are lines that form on the skin. They are a natural part of your body's aging process. Wrinkles are most often found on the face, neck and hands, but can appear anywhere on the body. 

Why do wrinkles appear? One of the reasons has to do with our natural aging. Elastin and collagen fibers give the skin elasticity and strength. The number of these fibers in the skin decreases over time, causing wrinkles. Our skin has a layer of fat just below the surface (subcutaneous layer) that gives shape and structure. This layer of fat thins as we age, leading to sagging skin. 1

In addition to these physiological features, there are also external factors that contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Sun exposure is the most common cause of skin damage and wrinkles, so the use of sunscreen is crucial. Last but not least, smoking is the cause of more wrinkles in smokers, among other health risks.

Who could have wrinkles?

Anyone who gets older can notice wrinkles on their skin. You may be at greater risk of getting wrinkles at an early age if:

  • You have sun-damaged skin or your skin is often exposed to the sun without protective products;
  • You use tobacco products;
  • Your body rapidly loses collagen or does not produce, which gives your skin elasticity and strength.

Sun exposure seems to be the most significant cause, especially in people with fair skin. A 2013 study found that 80 percent of skin aging is caused by the sun.   [ref. 1] 

Types of wrinkles

Generally speaking, there are two main types of wrinkles:

  • Dynamic wrinkles - They develop from repetitive movements of the face. If you often bend your lips around a straw or cigarette, for example, you may get nasolabial wrinkles.
  • Static wrinkles - They are the result of a loss of elasticity and the action of gravity. Wrinkles that are located in the jaw area are static.

Home remedies for wrinkles: Natural remedies that work

There are many affordable home remedies that can help prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera has numerous healing properties. An older 2009 study suggested that taking a daily aloe vera gel supplement significantly reduced the appearance of wrinkles in just 90 days. 3

In a 2015 study, scientists found that applying aloe gel to the skin significantly reduced the appearance of wrinkles, and also promoted collagen production and hydration. 4


Foods rich in health-promoting nutrients are often referred to as "superfoods." There are many superfoods that can prevent the appearance of wrinkles and improve overall health.

A 2019 study looking at the diets of older men and women from the Netherlands found that men with healthy eating habits had fewer wrinkles. In the same study, women who ate more fruit had fewer wrinkles than those who ate more meat and snacks. 5

Many superfoods, such as those on the following list, can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, thanks to their antioxidants and alkalizing action:

  • Artichoke
  • Avocado
  • chia seeds
  • Cinnamon
  • Proteins
  • Ginger
  • Miso
  • Oatmeal
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • sweet potatoes

Another 2022 study found that natural compounds such as phytosterols, triterpenes, and sterols contained in blueberries, red cabbage, kale, wine, cocoa, aromatic plants, and others contribute to the body's antioxidant defenses. These compounds have health-promoting effects as they are powerful antioxidants that fight oxidative free radical damage and slow down aging. 6


While proteins can contribute to a slight improvement in the appearance of the skin, the thin membrane that separates the protein from the shell is more effective.

In a 2016 study, using a cream made with an egg membrane resulted in a significant reduction in wrinkle depth and increased collagen production, making skin smoother and more elastic. 

Essential oils

Applying small amounts of essential oils mixed with base oil to wrinkles can help reduce them. Often, essential oils are applied in specific combinations that heal the skin without causing irritation, as long as they are diluted with base oil.

Base oils include:

Some essential oils that can counteract the appearance of wrinkles when used in different combinations with base oil are:

  • Argan
  • sage
  • frankincense
  • geranium
  • grape seeds
  • jojoba
  • lavender
  • neroli
  • sandalwood
  • ylang ylang


Many people benefit from massage to prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. In fact, using a handheld facial massage device can help prevent wrinkles by increasing collagen and elastin production.

A daily facial massage for 3 to 5 minutes, done with your fingers, can give the same effects on the skin. It can also reduce stress, a common cause of wrinkle formation. On the Internet there are many videos with guidelines for facial massage, even face yoga to improve the contour and oval of the face, tighten wrinkles and lines.

Topical products with vitamin C

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps create collagen in the skin. It can be found naturally in many fruits and vegetables, such as rose hips, chili peppers, citrus and cabbage.

Applying a topical gel, serum, or other product containing vitamin C can help with fewer wrinkles and other signs of sun damage to the skin. As stated in one scientific publication, as one of the most powerful antioxidants in the skin, vitamin C has been shown to protect against photoaging, ultraviolet-induced immunosuppression, and photocarcinogenesis. It also has an anti-aging effect by increasing collagen synthesis, stabilizing collagen fibers, and reducing collagen degradation. 7


Like vitamins, minerals are trace elements that your body needs, but in smaller quantities. In the skin, minerals help filter sunlight, promote healing and prevent damage.

Zinc and selenium are two minerals that are especially important for skin health. Using a topical cream containing zinc and selenium can block some of the ultraviolet rays, helping to protect the skin from sun damage that causes wrinkles.

  1. What are wrinkles?

    • Who could have wrinkles?

      • Types of wrinkles

        • Home remedies for wrinkles: Natural remedies that work
          • Aloe vera
          • Superfoods
          • Proteins
          • Essential oils
          • Massage
          • Topical products with vitamin C
          • Minerals


        Although unpleasant, wrinkles can be treated at home with some natural remedies. The best way to avoid wrinkles is to protect your skin from the sun daily in every season. Limit the amount of time you spend outside when it's sunny outside, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 on a daily basis, hydrate the body,  and apply antioxidants both internally and externally. Bad habits such as smoking and lack of sleep also affect the skin, so correcting them can slow down the aging process and the appearance of wrinkles.


        1. Effect of the sun on visible clinical signs of aging in Caucasian skin | CCID


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