The best fruits for weight loss
Grapefruit is a hybrid between pomelo and orange and is usually found in weight loss regime, but also in a heavy athlete nutritional programs. Half a grapefruit contains only 39 calories, but provides 65% of the reference daily intake (RDI) for vitamin C. Red varieties also provide 28% of RDI for vitamin A. [ref. 1] In addition, grapefruit has a low glycemic index, which means that its consumption leads to a slower release of sugar into the blood.
In several studies, grapefruit consumption has been seen as a means of reducing body fat, waist circumference and blood pressure. [Ref. 2]
While grapefruit can be eaten independently, it is also a great addition to salads and other dishes.

Apples (Malus domestica) are low in calories and high in fiber, with 116 calories and 5.4 grams of fiber per large fruit (about 200 g). Apples are found in different kinds and with different flavors - sour, sweet, as well as sweet and sour. These are also some of the most filling foods compared to a piece of chocolate, for example.
Research has shown that apples are best to eat as a whole - instead of squeezed into juice or some smoothie - to reduce hunger and control appetite. [ref. 3]

Berries are low-calorie and very rich in nutrients, mainly antioxidants and polyphenols. For example, 1/2 cup (about 70-80 grams) of blueberries contains only 42 calories, but provides 12% of RDI for vitamin C and manganese, as well as 18% for vitamin K. [ref. 4] Some of the most delicious and useful berries are blueberries (Vaccinium) [ref. 5] ], blackberries (Rubus) [ref. 6] , raspberries (Rubus idaeus) [ [ref. 7] ], aronia (Aronia) [ [ref. 8] ] and others.
Eating berries can help reduce cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and reduce inflammation, which can be especially beneficial for overweight people.
Drupes or stone fruites are a group of seasonal fruits with a fleshy outer part and a endocarp with a seed inside. These include peaches (Prunus persica) [ [ref. 9] , nectarines (Prunus persica var. nucipersica), plums (Prunus) [ref. 10] ], cherries and apricots.
Stone fruits have a low glycemic index, low-calorie and nutrient-rich such as vitamins C and A – making them great for people trying to lose weight.
Passion fruit
Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis), which originates in South America, grows on a beautiful, flowering vine. There is a strong outer crust - purple or yellow in color - with an edible, fleshy seed part inside. [ [ref. 11] ]
One fruit (18 grams) contains only 17 calories and is a rich source of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron and potassium. For such a small fruit, passion fruit contains enough dietary fiber to support digestive function and regular bowel movements.