Health topic
Herbs support the treatment of multiple sclerosis and its symptoms by reducing demyelination, improving remyelination and suppressing inflammation in the central nervous system.
Here we will briefly look at 7 herbs that have been included in clinical trials for effectiveness and have given good results to alleviate symptoms of dyspepsia and indigestion.
As we have stated earlier, 85% of those infected with the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and infected with COVID-19 in China received not only conventional treatment, but also therapy with herbs from Chinese traditional medicine. In this article, we will look separately at each of the herbs that have been used and what the science of them has to tell us. It's a pandemic, and hope lurks everywhere. :)
It is best to take vitamins in a natural way - with food. A change in diet can strengthen a person's immunity. It is no coincidence that there are specific diets for people with diabetes, hypertension, some diseases associated with immunodeficiency.
I have a loving partner by my own and we feel ready for the most responsible step - to create a child. But what do I have to do before I get pregnant?
We are used to only embracing herbs as a healing agent, but scientists do not fail to look for such properties in the plants we consume in the form of food or spices.