Health topic
Over the past few years, topics related to influenza conditions and viral infections have been discussed quite often. Although the turn to a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle is already a fact, viruses often invade our daily lives in full force and change our plans. However, there are proven and tested over the years herbal and natural remedies to treat flu symptoms and prevent our health completely safely.
Clogged arteries, which are characteristic of the condition atherosclerosis, occur when fatty deposits accumulate on the walls of the arteries. This accumulation of fatty deposits leads to a narrowing of the arteries, which negatively affects blood circulation to the heart and other parts of the body. Over time, our arteries narrow, and some other factors, such as being overweight, smoking, stress, diabetes mellitus, and more, contribute to a higher risk of heart disease.
"Seaweed" is a general term for various marine plants that are a source of food for ocean life and range in multiple colors, from red to green, brown, and even black. They are present in the menu not only of marine life, but also of people, most often consumed in Japan, China and Korea. There are many different species, among which the most famous are red (Rhodophyta), green (Chlorophyta), blue-green and brown (Phaeophyceae) algae. In addition, seaweed is very nutritious and is applicable in a variety of dishes, including sushi, smoothies and many others.
There are diseases that cause people to stigmatize other people or fear that they may become infected, which leads to the same effect. One such disease is psoriasis, and another - vitiligo. However, psoriasis as a disease and vitiligo as a condition are not contagious, not completely treated, but their symptoms should be controlled. Also, there are some similarities between them.
You've probably heard that breastfeeding is one of the healthiest solutions for babies, but did you know that breastfeeding also provides benefits for the health of the mother? First of all, breastfeeding may help reduce the risk of developing certain medical conditions later in life, including heart disease and diabetes. In addition, it can relieve stress and help the mother feel even more strongly connected to the little person, experiencing wonderful positive emotions and releasing endorphins and oxytocin.
The food and chemical industries have claimed for decades that all food enhancers are well tested and safe. And some of them are really safe, while others can cause cancer in animals, as well as other health problems. However, the history of food enhancers is full of controversy and it turns out that after many years of use, they pose a health risk. It may surprise you that some food enhancers are contained in your favorite foods, such as bread, baked goods and sweets, pastries, carbonated drinks. Their negative effects should not be underestimated, so we divided the topic into two parts and this is the continuation.
Substances that are added to food to maintain or improve the safety, freshness, taste, texture or appearance of food are known as food additives. As stated on the World Health Organization website, "Nutritional flavour enhancers must be checked for potential harmful effects on human health before they can be used."
Osteoporosis is a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle. They can become so brittle that falling or even light movements, such as bending over or coughing, can cause a fracture. Fractures associated with osteoporosis most often occur in the hips, wrists or spine in women, as they are the more affected gender. Modern medicine has various tools for the treatment of osteoporosis, including drugs for strengthening bones, bisphosphonates, biological medications and others. We will take a look at the risk factors, symptoms and treatment options in this article.
What do you think of when you hear "Mediterranean cuisine" or "Mediterranean diet"? Perhaps the first associations are olives, fish and wine. And correctly - these are the most popular food products known in Mediterranean cuisine. Another extremely important component of the Mediterranean diet is olive oil or olive oil. The ancient Greeks and Romans also used olive oil. It is made by pressing whole olives to extract oil from them.
Crohn's disease affects the gastrointestinal tract, leading to symptoms such as diarrhea and the formation of bloody stools. Changes in diet and drug therapy can help manage some symptoms. However, according to the type of disease, there may be other treatment options, including the use of natural remedies. Who they are, when they are administered, and whether Crohn's disease still has a cure you will find out from the article.