Health topic
There are various medical methods for the treatment and therapy of cancer, such as chemotherapy, interventional oncology, radiation therapy, surgery, hematological oncology, and others. One of the most promising methods is aimed at destroying tumor cells and preventing their metastasis.
Soothing effect, many healing properties, gentle aroma known for centuries, a valuable raw material for perfumery - all this refers to jasmine.
Snake venom is known as a method of treatment from antiquity, but only today science manages to unravel some of its secrets. In this article you will learn what snake venom contains, in which medications it is found and how it is used, as well as if it has any application in the treatment of cancer.
What are the most famous natural sweeteners, what they are and from which plants are extracted. The answers to these questions can be found in the following article.
In this article, you will learn what health benefits spirulina consumption brings according to science, as well as tips for growing it at home.
In this article you will find useful information about the healing properties of the broadleaf plantain according to the Iranian traditional medicine and modern science.
In the season of the ramson find out what health properties it possesses, how it has been used in the past and how to prepare delicious pesto from wild garlic.
Hops is well known as it is a major raw material in the production of beer. Interest in this plant is growing not only due to the search and creation of beer with new different flavors, but also for discovering and proving new beneficial properties for our health.
In this article you will find information about the beneficial effects of nettle and learn whether it has the potential to help treat oncological diseases.
Tea is the second most common drink after water. Tea, which is prepared from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant is 3 types: green, oolong and black - depending on the degree of oxidation of the leaves. The most oxidized are the leaves of black tea, not so much of the oolong tea and the leafs of green tea are not oxidized at all.