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Heartburn Relief: Helpful Methods and Home Remedies

gastroesophageal reflux


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There are many health problems that can disrupt our good health and wellbeing. One of the most common and most unpleasant, which usually occurs after eating, is heartburn. The appearance of heartburn can also be a symptom of many different conditions, including acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and even pregnancy.

What causes heartburn

Heartburn is a burning pain in the chest, just behind the sternum. Pain is often stronger after eating, in the evening or in a lying position. When you have heartburn, you may also have a bitter or sour taste in the back of the mouth to the throat. Heartburn can last differently in each person - from a few minutes to several hours. 

Why we have heartburn is an interesting question. When we eat, food passes from the mouth along a tube called the esophagus. To enter the stomach, food must pass through an opening between the esophagus and stomach. This opening acts as a door, allowing food to pass into the stomach

Usually this hole closes as soon as the food passes through it. But if it does not close all the way, the acid from your stomach can pass through the opening and into the esophagus. This phenomenon is called reflux. Therefore, stomach acid can irritate the esophagus and cause heartburn.

How often do heartburn occur in humans?

Acids are common as an accidental phenomenon, that is, from time to time. However, if a person regularly experiences heartburn, this may actually be an indicator of a state of chronic acid reflux called GERD. Then a consultation with a medical professional is also necessary.

Symptoms of heartburn

Symptoms of heartburn can be mild or quite strong. The severity of heartburn depends on what and how much you have been inged. The main symptom of heartburn is a burning sensation in the throat and chest. This occurs when the acidic fluid from your food or drink returns to the esophagus. You may have difficulty swallowing or choking when they appear.

Could heartburn be prevented or avoided?

You may be able to avoid this problem by making some lifestyle changes, for example:

  • Sleep on a higher pillow
  • Try to eat at least 2 to 3 hours before going to bed
  • Quit smoking if you are a smoker
  • Lose weight if you are overweight
  • Do not overeat
  • Eat foods high in protein and low in fat
  • Avoid tight clothes and tight belts
  • Avoid foods and drinks that cause you heartburn

Home remedies for heartburn and acid reflux

If you suffer from heartburn, there are several home remedies to help. But like drugs, home remedies and supplements can pose some risks. Some of them may interact with medications or cause other problems.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding or have other health problems, you may need to avoid certain medicines or supplements.

Mixture of baking soda with water

Baking soda can soothe some episodic acids by neutralizing excessive stomach acid. To prepare the mixture, dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it slowly. This method is suitable for use from time to time, and not often. Cases of intoxication with sodium bicarbonate with prolonged use and pre-existing diseases have been documented. [1] 

Intake of licorice supplements

Licorice or liquorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is an old herbal remedy that can help with acids.  [ref. 1] A 2020 review shows that it can help to increase the mucous coating of the mucous membrane of the esophagus. This can protect the esophagus from damage caused by stomach acid and allow it to heal.  [Ref. 2] 

Deglyceride licorice is a supplement that contains licorice and can also be taken. In these products, the plant is processed to remove much of its glycyrrysin - a compound that can cause unwanted effects. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) warns that consuming too much licorice, or DGL, can raise blood pressure, lower potassium levels and interfere with certain drugs. Therefore, before taking the plant or supplement with it should consult a doctor.  [ref. 3] 

Try ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) has a long history of use in Chinese medicine.  [ref. 4]  This herb can help relieve nausea, so some believe it may also be useful for heartburn.

Add grated or diced ginger root to your favorite recipes. To make ginger tea, soak raw ginger root, dried ginger root or ginger tea bags in boiling water. Keep in mind, however, that large doses of ginger can actually cause heartburn or other digestive problems, so use it in small amounts.

  1. What causes heartburn

    • How often do heartburn occur in humans?

      • Symptoms of heartburn

        • Could heartburn be prevented or avoided?

          • Home remedies for heartburn and acid reflux
            • Mixture of baking soda with water
            • Intake of licorice supplements
            • Try ginger


          Avoiding tight clothes like skinny jeans, maintaining an upright rather than hunched posture and sleeping on a higher pillow can also help prevent heartburn. In any case, avoid foods that cause them, limit alcohol and do not reach out to smoking and be careful with medication. Always  consult a doctor if necessary before using supplements to relieve heartburn.


          1. Glycyrrhiza
          2. Redirecting
          3. Licorice Root
          4. Zingiber

          The author


          Bettina Tsvetkova is a Bachelor of Marketing and Master of Entrepreneurship, a fan of healthy eating, power sports and cycling. Author of over 1500 scientifically based articles, product texts and promotional materials on a healthy topic for Bulgarian and foreign websites.


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