Author: Yana Nencheva, Biochemist, PhD candidate in Biophysics
At the end of World War II, French women who collaborated with the Germans were shaved in public as punishment - whether for shelter, food, prostitution or love. For years, we have associated hair loss with disease and lack of femininity. Today, shaved heads are first associated with cancer. Celebrities demonstrate civic positions and cause sensations with it.
Hair is a barometer of mood, confidence and self-esteem. Therefore, it can be said that among the positive aspects of last year's isolation are the fixatives, dyes and complicated hairstyles saved on our hair, which break it. At home we rarely do a self-haircut and we have almost become part of the new movement "No-Poo"*, which professes hair care without any shampoo and cosmetics, and relies only on natural or basic cleaning products - water, vinegar, lemons, etc.
Fortunately, this year the record-breaking ozone hole has disappeared [ref. 1], which makes UV rays more difficult to damage our skin and hair. Despite these factors, summer has come and we should not neglect to take care of ourselves. The best thing we can do is healthy prevention and care with a few simple tricks and tips to follow in the summer.
*"No-Poo" movement - comes from the words "shampoo" and "poo".
Three classic tested methods for hair strengthening
1. Onion juice for healthy hair
Yes, you read correctly - "onionjuice". If youdo not have problems with the smell of onions (Allium cepa), then you can benefit from its benefits because they are worth it. Onion juice successfully fights the stains of alopecia areata by helping to dew the scalp. Onions contain a small amount of calcium and magnesium , which are a major part of the composition of vitamins from the pharmacy for healthy skin, hair andnails.
Tip: Squeeze a few onions and apply to the roots of the hair and scalp. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash normally with shampoo.
Trick: If the amount seems small, add a little olive oil to the onion.

2. Coconut oil against dryness
The Indians have great hair - thick, long, with thick hair. It' s not just a gene.
Coconut oil (Cocoes oleum) is a proven source of fatty acids that penetrate the structure of the hair and reduce the loss of proteins from hair. It can be used both before and after washing, according to the type of hair. It would be nice to do more research on coconut oil asa stimulator of hair growth, but women have known for centuries that it improves health and shine.
Tip: If your hair tends to get oily, you can grease well with coconut oil a few hours before washing your hair. If your hair is dry, you can also use it in very small doses after washing and drying.
Trick: Be sure to massage your scalp after applying it.
3. Scalp massage for increased bood flow
Massaging the scalp can help restore hair growth and can be used together with oils and hair masks. Scalp stimulation can increase hair thickness, and daily scalp massage can help reduce stress and tension.
Tip: Massage your scalp just before the bath before washing off the mask or oils.
Trick: If you are not engaged in massage, by pressing on your own fingers, you can get a hand-held anti-stress head massager, which also stimulates blood circulation.
Three foods for healthy and strong hair in summer

1. Protein intake for healthy hair
Beautycomes from within isacliché, but nutritious food is an important factor for beautiful and healthy hair and scalp. Our hair is made of protein- so be sure to eat at least 45grams of protein a day . Summer consumption of fatty meats is more difficult, but you can include tender chicken in your salad; when you go to sea eatfresh fish or get protein from other sources such as beans, dairy products and eggs.
If you have decided to follow a strict diet for weight loss with a low amount of protein, this can lead to weak, brittle hair, and even to its tail. It is better to consult a nutritionist, so as not to fall into unhealthy extremes.
2. Omega fatty acids for healthy hair follicles
Healthy hair follicles - healthy hair! That's the rule. Balanced intake of omega-3 fatty acids has a beneficial effect on the structure of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Taking such foods can improve scalp health and strengthen hair in the summer. Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in marine representatives such as salmon, sardines and herring. Other sources are: flaxseed, yogurt and cottage cheese.
Read more in the article Why omega-3 fatty acids are healthy and what they are used for.
3. Zinc for strong hair
Zinc deficiency is also one of the factors for choppy and damaged hair. Multivitamin or dietary supplements with zinc may be one of the solutions when necessary, but do not drink zinc on tablets unless it is prescription, but include sources of it in your menu:
Three mandatory essential oils for dry hair in summer

Attention, attention! Do not use essential oils directly on the skin. Always mix them in carrier (base) oil or in shampoo.
1. Rosemary oil for thick hair
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is one of the first essential oils that people associate with hair growth and hair lossreduction. Rosemary oil contains potassium, calcium and magnesiumand thus thanks to them has a beneficial effect on the growth ofnew hair, with which hairthickens and for this it can be used to treat androgenetic alopecia.
Tip: Mix a few drops of rosemary oil into base (carrier) oil and massage it into the hair and scalp before bathing. Do this 2-3 times a week.
Trick: Add a few drops of rosemary oil to the shampoo and conditioner you use.
2. Geranium oil for dry hair
Thisis becausegeraniumessential oil has a high content of geramicin andp-cimol. It can help in addition to strengthening and restoring damaged hair, for hydrating . This makes it a very good helper for healthy hair summer.
Tip: Mix a few drops of geranium oil into a carrier oil and use it as a hair mask before bathing.
Trick: You can also add a few drops to your shampoo and conditioner.
3. Lemon juice for a healthy scalp
Lemons are rich in vitamin C, fiber and other beneficial compounds. Lemon intake has many health benefits, including weight loss and a reduction in the risk of: cardiovascular disease, anaemia, kidney stones and digestive problems. But if we drink fresh lemon juice, will this make our hair healthier? Most likely not. There are no scientific studies to prove this relationship [ref. 3]. But nevertheless if you apply fresh lemon juice or lemon oil as a hair mask has aneffect.
Tip: Apply fresh lemon juice to your hair and scalp 15 minutes before shampooing.
Trick: You can use lemon essential oil diluted in carrier oil as a hair mask.
What should you do for beautiful skin in the summer

Sunscreen factor from 30 up. This is the main thing we should not miss and should do in the summermonths, but still with the skin the situation is more complicated. If we dry it too much, as a reaction, it can be smeared, and if we use too fatty products, we risk acne. It turns out that besides not having a panacea, it may also harm it [ref. 4]. If you have a skinproblem, you should contact a dermatologist . This is the beginning of the solution to the problem. It is inevitable and there is no point indelaying it.
BUT nevertheless, there are a few harmless loops for more beautiful and healthy facial skin in the summer, which we can do at home.
1. Honey for tender lips
Summer, wind, sea, the sun shines on your face, lips dry, lick them several times, they burst, crack and trouble. You need a light peel.
Tip: Smear your lips with a little honey and stand with it as much as you can (5-10 minutes), then just lick them. You'll immediately feel how softer and gentler they've become.
Trick: When eating a slice of honey, use the spoon with which you smear it. After the procedure - put some Vaseline instead of balm, it will absorb much better.
2. Yogurt for hydrated skin
One of the problems this summer is exactly hydration, and when it comes to hydration, our first association is yogurt. It is used both in burnt, if we have overdone the beach skin, and for daily use. There are numerous face masks on the Internet, in which the main ingredient is yogurt.
Tip: Mix yogurt with a little flour to thicken and smear your face.
Trick: Use higher-fat yoghurt because it's thicker and won't flow anywhere. If you don't want to mix it with flour, you can strain it using dry bread. You take a slice of dry bread and smear it with the yogurt as if it's chutney, wait 30 minutes. During this time, the bread has soaked in water and the yogurt has thickened.
3. Avocado mask against dry skin
Avocados are full of vitamins and unsaturated fat fruit. It is useful for people with acne, sensitive and dry skin, because it hydrates. And we need hydration during the hot months.
Tip: Smear a half or a quarter (if larger) avocado well and apply it as a mask, wait until it dries and wash well with your daily face cleansing gel.
Trick: If your skin is drier, add a little olive oil, and if it's a greasy little coffee grounds. Note that if you're using avocado + coffee grounds, you should use a moisturizing cream afterwards.
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