What is Common Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna)
The fruits of the common hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) are small fruits that grow on trees and shrubs belonging to the genus Crataegus. [ref. 1] The genus includes hundreds of species common in Europe, North America and Asia as a territorial distribution. These nutrient-rich fruits have a tart, pungent taste and a slight sweetness. They range in color from yellow to dark red.
For hundreds of years, people have used hawthorn berries as an herbal remedy for digestive disorders, heart problems, and high blood pressure. In fact, hawthorn has been a key part of traditional Chinese medicine since at least 659 AD. Hr. [ref. 2]
Studies have shown that hawthorn contains beneficial compounds such as antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Flavonoids and procyanidins are the components responsible for the therapeutic effects of these fruits. [ref. 3]
Health Benefits That Hawthorn Fruit Bring

Rich in antioxidants
Hawthorn fruits are a rich source of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidant compounds found in plants. These include, for example, epicatechin, procyanidin B2, procyanidin B5, procyanidin C1, hyperoside, isoquercitrin and chlorogenic acid. [ref. 4]
Antioxidants help neutralize unstable molecules called free radicals, which can harm the body. Polyphenols have been associated with numerous health benefits due to their antioxidant activity, including a lower risk of developing: [ref. 5]
Blood pressure control
Containing numerous powerful antioxidants, hawthorn berries are known as powerful vasodilators, helping to maintain normal blood pressure and avoid hypertension. Animal studies have shown that hawthorn can act as a vasodilator, meaning it can relax contracted blood vessels, eventually lowering blood pressure. [ref. 4]
Cardioprotective action
According to a 2020 study, hawthorn may have the ability to protect the heart. Fruits and their active components can contribute to:
- Reduce blood fat and lower cholesterol
- Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action
- Potentially help prevent endothelial dysfunction (narrowing of the arteries)
Hawthorn is also used to treat heart failure, along with other traditional medicines. Numerous studies have shown that hawthorn can have a beneficial effect without serious side effects in people with heart failure. Studies have mostly shown improvements in heart function and symptoms of heart failure such as shortness of breath and fatigue. [ref. 8]

Potential anticancer properties
A 2021 laboratory study showed that hawthorn berries have anti-cancer potential. The researchers used cells from a brain tumor and found that hawthorn extract could kill them and prevent them from multiplying. The potential anti-cancer properties are due to the high content of polyphenols in the fruit. More human studies are needed to confirm these effects.
Aid digestion
People have used hawthorn fruit and extract for centuries to treat digestive problems, especially indigestion and stomach pain.
Fruits contain fiber, which has been shown to aid digestion by reducing constipation and acting as a prebiotic. Prebiotics promote the growth of good gut bacteria called probiotics, which are vital for maintaining healthy digestion. Animal studies have confirmed a beneficial effect on digestion when taking hawthorn extract, but more research is needed in humans.
Hawthorn as a useful remedy for diabetes
A 2022 scientific review suggests that researchers may be able to develop new drugs for diabetes based on hawthorn. After a thorough analysis of studies from the past 20 years, reviewers suggest that hawthorn may have the following health benefits in diabetes and its complications:
- Reduce triglycerides and low-density cholesterol
- Increases the antioxidant activity of certain enzymes
- Reduces inflammatory molecules
- Regulates blood sugar and insulin secretion
- Improves the health of certain cells in the pancreas
- May help reduce factors that can lead to obesity [ref. 9]
Interactions with drugs and other medications
The use of medicinal herbs as alternative remedies is becoming increasingly popular due to advantages such as fewer or milder side effects and reduced costs compared to standard modern therapies.
However, the use of these herbs increases the risk of interactions between herbs and drugs that can alter the effects of standard drugs and lead to negative health effects by increasing, decreasing, or changing the effects of existing drugs.
An investigation of possible interactions between hawthorn fruit and standard medications suggests a potentially harmful effect when people consume hawthorn fruit along with heart medications. Hawthorn fruits can potentially increase the effect of drugs that are blood thinners, blood pressure lowering drugs, and heart failure drugs. Therefore, the intake of these fruits or other products containing them should be done after consulting a medical practitioner.