Health topic
One of the many types of alcoholic beverages, liqueur is unique with its characteristic fruity aroma. The very word "liqueur" is derived from the Latin liquifacere ("i latch"). Unlike other types of alcohol, liqueur can be enriched with the presence of fruits, herbs, infusions, nuts and even seeds. The variety is really great and that's why we made a selection of the most popular herbal liqueurs in the world. In the first part of the topic we presented liqueurs from Italy, France, Spain, usa and several other countries. Today we continue the list of more great examples of herbal liqueurs from different parts of the world.
Walnut liqueur or nocino is a liqueur of green walnuts. Green walnuts are, simply put, unripe walnuts that are picked in the middle of the season. This could be in a different month in different countries. The first written account of the production of nocino came from the days of the Roman Empire, when Roman soldiers learned about the practice from the Celtic Pict tribe from eastern Scotland. Every year on June 24, during the festivities of the summer solstice, pagan picts collected walnuts to pour them with alcohol for a drink believed to contain supernatural properties.
Nasal polyps are small growths of tissue in the nasal passages. Although they are not usually cancerous formations, polyps can gradually grow and lead to excruciating problems. They are most often found in people with asthma, allergies, recurrent infections or inflammations in the nasal passages. Traditional medications can help, but nature also offers some healing natural treatments.
Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of the nutritious diet and are suitable for consumption in any diet. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients, on the basis of which the body builds its tissues, immunity, strength and health. Raw, stewed, roasted, even canned, fruits can be eaten in countless ways. They are especially useful for weight loss, as fruits are usually poor in calories, rich in water and antioxidants that promote detoxification and weight maintenance.
Peaches are a fruit believed to have originated in China more than 8,000 years ago. They're from the same family with almonds, cherries, apricots and plums. Peaches are known for having a fleshy part that surrounds a shell containing edible seeds. White peaches are usually sweeter, and yellow peaches are more acidic in taste. One of the good things about peaches is that they can be eaten raw, baked and even grilled. And even better, they have many health benefits.
All of us know that fruits and vegetables are among the most useful foods that have a place in any diet. Fruits are a great and ready to eat breakfast full of vitamins, fiber and other nutrients that support healthy living. They can also be eaten as a snack, put in salads and desserts and many more.
Iron is a mineral that performs several important functions, the main one being to carry oxygen into your body as part of red blood cells. Iron is basically a nutrient, which means you have to get it from your food. The recommended daily value is only 18 mg. What's interesting about it is that the amount of iron your body absorbs is partly based on how much you've stored before.
Peaches - or Prunus persica - are small fruits, slightly fuzzy unlike nectarines, and with a sweet white or yellow edible part. They are believed to have originated in China more than 8,000 years ago.
Anticoagulants are things that help prevent the formation of blood clots, and they can be taken in various forms by prescription. However, they can interact with many other medications, as well as cause some side effects when using them. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking anticoagulants as a medicinal drugs, and are there natural alternatives - find out in the article.
There are fruits that we seem to neglect in front of the light of the most famous fruits like bananas, apples and oranges, for example. Today we will review the advantages of such a modest fruit, namely melon. Melon definitely deserves more attention because of its rich nutritional profile. This delicious, though strange-looking fruit can contribute in many ways to your health, maintaining a normal weight, antioxidant protection and several other areas of action.