Health topic
Spirulina is among the most popular dietary supplements in the world. It is rich in various nutrients and antioxidants that can be beneficial to your body and brain. It's known as a superfood and it really is - you'll make sure of that once you read more about its astonishing benefits.
Rumex L. species have received huge recognition since humans used plants and herbs as a cure against diseases due to their healing benefits and various therapeutic advantages. Rumex is the second largest genus of the Polygonaceae family and among its most famous representatives is Rumex acetosa, which we know as "sorrel". This is a perennial herbaceous plant with numerous applications and opportunities for culinary use, which we will present to you in this article.
Historically, spices have defined the course of many events around the world. Many travelers, including the legendary Christopher Columbus, explore the seas in search of valuable spices. These valuable goods contribute not only to their flavors, but also find application as colorants and preservatives in a wide variety of cultures.
Hashimoto's disease, also known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and this can lead to hypothyroidism. There is no universal cure for Hashimoto, but hormone replacement therapy can regulate hormone levels and restore normal metabolism. Some herbal and natural remedies can also support these processes, and we will review how exactly they can do that.
Over the years, pets have become an integral part of families around the world. As human populations continue to grow, pet populations are also increasing. The presence of a pet has many proven benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart attack and heart disease, lowering blood pressure levels, lower stress levels and, of course, hours spent with a real friend. A new study that we will review found out that pet ownership can slow memory loss and other types of cognitive decline.
The liver is a unique human organ that is responsible for removing toxins from your body, producing bile and fulfilling other important metabolic functions. It has the ability to regenerate to some extent, but that doesn't mean we can do what we want and not be responsible for the consequences. Congested liver can cause serious health problems, among which hepatitis, vascular diseases of the liver, alcoholic and toxic damage and others. A healthier diet, as well as consuming some superfoods and herbs can help detoxify this important organ.
One of the most common questions that people with arthritis would ask is related to the way of eating with this disease. So, is there a special diet for arthritis? Although there is nothing like a miraculous diet for arthritis, many foods can help to combat inflammation and improve joint pain and other symptoms. It is probably no surprise that much of it consists of anti-inflammatory foods and foods rich in antioxidants. In this article, we will look at what these foods are and provide more information about herbs that can also be beneficial in arthritic pain.
Traditional Chinese medicine is an incredibly complex system that is designed to help balance health. Its focus is on the consumption of foods that keep the body's mechanisms under control. At the heart of this traditional medicine find place ingredients such as herbs, fruits and pulses that have great scientifically proven health benefits.
Complex complex of immune, inflammatory and oxidative-mediated reactions caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection contribute to the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Ginger has been widely used for thousands of years as a spice or dietary supplement, as well as as traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases. Can its anti-inflammatory potential be applicable to coronavirus infection and what may be the effects? Stay with us to learn.
An increasing number of people are choosing to eat less meat or try a diet that includes possibly fish such as flexitarian diet. There are many reasons for people to choose to make this change, but health benefits are often one of the main motives. Another argument is the ethical side of things - do we need to kill animals for a living, and can we replace meat with other non-meat foods? This study sheds light on the health benefits that provide the so-called "plant-based" eating or the plant-based diet, and why the risk of developing cancer is lowered with low meat consumption.