Origin and characteristics of Lovage
Levisticum officinale, the scientific name Lovage, is a highly perennial plant, the only species of the genus Levisticum, of the Apiaceae family, of which dill, angelica, carrot, celery and parsley are also members and share the same characteristic aroma and taste. [ref. 1] ] The exact place of origin is unclear. Some sources mention that it occurs first in parts of Europe and Southwest Asia, others point to the Eastern Mediterranean, and others suggest that southwest Asia is grown first in Iran and Afghanistan.
Lovage has long been cultivated in Europe, with leaves used as an herb, roots as a vegetable, and seeds as a spice, especially in Southern European cuisine. Today it is used in many parts of the world due to its amazing taste and important health benefits.
Health benefits provided by Lovage
Levisticum officinale is a remarkable herb and is useful for the digestive tract and especially - for the respiratory system. Since it is rich in nutrients and can be consumed fresh to preserve all its nutrients, so the herb can contribute to better immunity, as well as energize and strengthen the body. Let's look at some distinctive properties and applications of lovage.
Beneficial effect on digestive function
The anti-inflammatory nature of lovage makes it an ideal tool for soothing an upset stomach and restoring balance in the gastrointestinal system. Lovage can help reduce bloating and excess gases by reducing irritation in the intestine and promoting healthy, normal movement in the colon. [Ref. 2]
Relief of arthritic pain
The natural anti-inflammatory effect of lovage makes it an appropriate remedy for people with arthritic pain, including in conditions such as gout, arthritis and others. [ref. 3] It can be consumed as a fresh vegetable or used for cooking to improve taste and add nutrients to food.
Calming symptoms associated with colitis
Lovage is rich in compounds such as citric, eugenol and quercetin, which can have anti-inflammatory effects in colitis. Studies involving citric have shown that it provides soothing effects throughout the body, although the action is more pronounced in problems related to colitis. [ref. 4]
Support of the respiratory system
If you suffer from a respiratory disease, lovage can act as an expectorant to clear excess mucus from the respiratory system. In addition, eucalyptus, one of the main calming agents found in it, can reduce irritation and inflammation in the lungs, encouraging faster healing.
Relief of severe menstruation
When taken at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, lovage can act to soothe many of the most severe side effects of menstruation, including cramps and bloating. It also has a high density of nutrients, making it effective for maintaining energy and mood during these difficult days of the month. [Ref. 4]
Antibacterial effects
Research shows that virgin has a significant effect on various microbes and foreign agents that can cause disease in the body. Although research is still ongoing, studies have found positive links between the intake of Levisticum officinale and the reduction of E. coli, Salmonella and other dangerous infectious agents. [ref. 6] ] The antibacterial activity of the plant has also been studied in pseudomonas aeruginosa infection, [ref. 7] , as well as with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. [Ref. 8]
Levisticum officinale is gentle on skin
The calming properties of lovage are also manifested on the skin. When the leaves are applied directly to the skin or ointment is made, it can be very effective in reducing the symptoms of psoriasis and acne. Antioxidants found in the plant can also help prevent the formation of wrinkles in some cases and increase blood flow to the surface of the skin, improving its tone and appearance.